Move Together: Transcendence with a Familial Focus

Welcome, Bienvenido, Karibu, Bienvenue, Mabuhay, Akwaaba, Szívesen Lát, and ようこそ (Yōkoso) to the Move Together blog where you will see how Move Together’s mission to increase access to quality rehabilitation medicine transcends country, political, governmental, and societal borders. The transcendence comes from the familial focus and engagement in a bidirectional, sustainable, collaborative, and communal vision with a rippling effect of love and compassion. The engagement empowers and educates patients and their families, physical therapists and students, community leaders, and individuals across various disciplines towards healthier movement and thus a healthier world.

SnapchatInstagramTwitterYouTubeFacebook, and LinkedIn give you a glimpse into the impact of the Move Together’s mission, but here we will truly inspire you with stories, experiences, and learning from the entire family: patients, participants, communities, and community leaders. You will read, hear, and see how maximizing movement and focusing on global health maximizes life and sustainably enhances communities and families. We look forward to your engagement with the Move Together mission and the sustainable advancement of global health.


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